I wasn’t sure any month would feel more zippy than July…I was wrong, ha! I can’t believe we’re already enjoying August’s Full Moon. The herb I want to highlight today is one that begs you to slow down and observe - Joe Pye Weed (Eupatorium purpureum).
Joe Pye Weed is very eye-catching in the garden. It has beautiful flowers clustered atop long stalks that catch every movement and breeze. It always seems to be dancing! I find it very hard to walk past it and not stop for a moment to observe the way it moves. It is beloved by pollinators and will be host to every manner of winged insect this time of year.
Medicinally, we use the root which is very bitter and energetically cooling and drying. It has a strong affinity for the genitourinary system and is used to support cystitis, urethritis, recurring urinary infections, prostatitis and gout. It’s common name, Gravelroot, speaks to its long use in treating and preventing kidney stones and gravel. Every reference I found also mentioned Joe Pye Weed as an herb for rheumatic complaints and edema. It’s important to note however it is not appropriate in situations of obstructive urinary stones or edema due to impaired kidney function.
Magically, it is said that if you place a few leaves in your mouth before making love advances you shall not fail, ha! Another book said that when the leaves were carried in your pocket you’d be looked upon with respect and favor by everyone you met. Sounds pretty good to me!
I know that many of you, like me, are going full speed right now as we hurtle towards the end of summer. I hope this full moon that you gift yourself a few quiet moments. Watch the moonrise. Watch the plants dance. Let us all take a collective breath. Be well!